What is the project timeline?
The Development Phase (planning the improvement works) is taking place during 2025. Detailed design and construction (the Delivery Phase) will happen between 2026 and 2028. Lake clearing is planned for 2027.
The exact timings are to be finalised, but at least one side of the park will be closed at certain times during the improvements.
Will the works affect my property?
Some works, including lake and stream wall repairs and lake desilting, may be noisy and may generate some smell as the lakebed will be disturbed. We will do everything possible to minimise this disruption.
Our proposals to limit any disruption will be included in the planning application.
What are you doiing about the lakes’ wildlife and habitat?
An ecologist, arboriculturist, hydrologist and a landscape architect are part of our design team. The design team will come forward with detailed recommendations about how to create better environments for the existing wildlife while improving and increasing biodiversity.
Will there be a playground?
Yes, a natural playground is planned for the North side of the park.
Will there be a toilet?
There are plans to install a state-of-the-art, accessible waterless toilet in the North side of the park. This will be included in our 10-year Management and Maintenance Plan.
Currently some vulnerable people (older residents, people with disabilities, mothers with young children, people with mental health issues and neurodivergent people), cannot visit the park because of a lack of toilet facilities.
A toilet would allow these people to visit and enjoy the park for longer.
Will the park be accessible to all?
Yes. The existing path network will be replaced and expanded. The new paths will be fully accessible.
How do I make my voice heard regarding details of this project?
Please fill in our Visitor Survey.
Are there plans to include a safe crossing between the North and South side of the park on Betenson Avenue?
Yes. Kent County Council, who are responsible for highways, will include safety proposals in the planning application.