Apply for a parking bay suspension | Sevenoaks District Council

Apply for a parking bay suspension

Parking bay suspensions temporarily remove parking restrictions such as resident parking, limited waiting and pay and display. 

They are granted for roadworks, utility works, construction projects, house removals and skips. We cannot put in a suspension without a valid parking bay or place.

If you are applying for a parking suspension for a skip, you must also apply to Kent County Council for a skip license

We can issue Penalty Charge Notices to unauthorised vehicles parked in suspended bays, but we cannot remove the vehicles. 


  • There is a £30 non-refundable fee for each application or amendment, this is paid on application
  • Plus a £15 per day fee for each bay or six metre length of road, (where bays are not individually marked) paid when application has been accepted.


Make an application 

You must apply at least 10 working days before the suspension begins. 

When you apply, please provide: 

  • The exact location 
  • The length or number of bays 
  • The purpose 
  • Start and finish dates 
  • If possible, a site drawing, an annotated photograph and/or map. 

Providing us with as much information as possible will assist us with the next steps when processing your application.  

After we have received your application, we will contact you to advise if we can accommodate your request and we will confirm costs. 

Payment must be made at least eight working days before the bay suspension begins. You can pay online or you can pay by card by calling our Customer Solutions Team on 01732 227000.

If your payment is not received in time the bay suspension will be cancelled, and you will need to make a new application. 

Once we have received the payment the bay suspension will be confirmed.

Site signage will be installed approximately seven calendar days before the suspension begins and cones will be placed by the kerb the evening before. 


Apply for a suspension

You will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions on application.