Parking waivers | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

Some of our online payments, forms and features will be unavailable from 6pm on Wednesday 5 February while we carry out essential website maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Parking waivers

A parking waiver allows a specific vehicle to park in a specific location for a period of time.

Waivers are usually used by tradespeople. You can apply for a waiver if you have building works and your contractor needs somewhere to park.

Waivers are not usually issued for parking on yellow lines. Parking waivers do not guarantee a parking space.

Waivers are issued through MiPermit. While your application is awaiting authorisation, it may show as pending on the MiPermit website. We will not take your payment until we have accepted the waiver.

You should apply for your waiver in advanced as some require approval.

If you need a waiver for the next weekend or public holiday, the latest you can apply is 30 minutes before our offices close before the weekend or a public holiday. View our working times.


  • An on-street waiver costs £10 per day, per vehicle
  • A car park waiver costs £10 per day, per vehicle.

Apply for a parking waiver

Purchase a parking waiver