CIL collection and expenditure | Sevenoaks District Council
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CIL collection and expenditure

Infrastructure Funding Statements

Our Infrastructure Funding Statements outline the infrastructure projects or types of infrastructure we intend to fund wholly or partly by CIL and our CIL receipts.

These Statements replaced the CIL Annual Report from December 2020 onwards.

Infrastructure funding statements

CIL Annual Reports

To make sure that the levy is open and transparent, councils charging CIL are required to publish annual reports showing total CIL receipts. 

Download the Annual Reports

Developer contributions

Developer contributions include CIL and Section 106 planning obligations. The Government requires us to publish developer contributions data on a regular basis.

View developer contributions and agreements


Payments to town and parish councils

When a development takes place, the town or parish council will receive 25% of the CIL we receive from that development.

Our interactive CIL tool shows in real-time the amount of CIL that has been received by us and the total value that has been passed to the relevant town or parish council. It also provides a link to the planning applicants that have contributed to CIL in each parish.

View the interactive CIL tool