Filming requests | Sevenoaks District Council

Filming requests

If you are considering in filming in the Sevenoaks District you must seek permission from the relevant landowner.

We can help you gain permission to film on land or facilities that are Sevenoaks District Council's responsibility. These include our offices, depot, some woodlands and recreations grounds, some car parks and other small areas of land.

We may be able to inform you of the relevant landowner if you have a particular location in mind.

Filming on the highway, schools and libraries

To film on the highway, pavement, in local state schools, libraries or in any other Kent County Council owned property contact Kent County Council's film office.

Filming on most village greens, local recreation grounds and cemeteries

Contact the local town or parish council.

Filming on housing estates

Most housing estates are owned by housing associations. 

Filming at Sencio owned leisure facilities in Sevenoaks District

Contact Sencio Community Leisure on 01732 746010.

Filming at tourist or historical locations

See the Visit Sevenoaks District website with contact details of our local attractions.

Further information

Contact the Council's Communications team.