News published October 2020
Parking charges frozen again!
Published: 16th October 2020
During lockdown, Sevenoaks District Council was the first authority in Kent to remove car park charges and the last to reintroduce them. Now, the Council has agreed they will not increase next year.
Test and trace support payments for workers on low incomes
Published: 15th October 2020
Support payments are now available for working people on low incomes who have been told to self-isolate by NHS Test & Trace.
HSE and Council team up to ensure businesses are COVID-secure
Published: 13th October 2020
Sevenoaks District Council is working with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to make sure local businesses are taking action to reduce the spread of Coronavirus.
Refuse trucks clean up when it comes to cost, safety & the environment
Published: 8th October 2020
Sevenoaks District Council has taken receipt of three new, energy efficient waste collection trucks to help with its weekly service.
Community grants of up to £5,000 now available
Published: 7th October 2020
Each year Sevenoaks District Council provide grants to support the work of voluntary and charitable organisations across the District.