Pictures of Penshurst | Sevenoaks District Council

Pictures of Penshurst

Published: Thursday, 29th August 2019

Sevenoaks District Council, together with Southern Railway have brightened up Penshurst Railway Station with new signage.

The new signs show illustrations of two major landmarks that the station serves, Penshurst Place and Chiddingstone Castle. They were installed by Southern Railway after requests from regular visitors to the station and a tourism recommendation in a recent Visitor Economy report proposed by Sevenoaks District Council.

To mark the occasion of the new signs being installed, local Councillors met at the station for the unveiling. Councillors present were cabinet member for ‘People and Places’ Cllr Lesley Dyball, Cllr Sue Coleman of Penshurst, Fordcombe and Chiddingstone and Cllr James Osborne-Jackson of Leigh and Chiddingstone Causeway.

Cllr Lesley Dyball says “The new signs at Penshurst station look fantastic and we’re really pleased we could work with Southern Railway to make this happen for residents and visitors. Both Penshurst Place and Chiddingstone Castle are brilliant tourist attractions and we hope these new signs will encourage more people to visit them.”

Angie Doll, Managing Director, Southern & Gatwick Express Railways, said, “We are keen to support and promote all of the fabulous destinations accessible across the Southern network. We’re proud that we could work with the Council to promote two of Kent’s greatest attractions.”