Edenbridge anti-social behaviour property served partial closure notice | Sevenoaks District Council

Edenbridge anti-social behaviour property served partial closure notice

Published: Friday, 30th August 2019

A closure order has been made for a West Kent Housing property in Manor Road, Edenbridge following ongoing anti-social behaviour at the address.

The partial closure order, granted by Maidstone Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday 27 August came after the Court heard that there had been serious and persistent nuisance and disorder, caused by the occupier and her visitors to the property.  The Council had received numerous complaints of noise and allegations of illegal behaviour at the rented property. The Court agreed that the order was needed to protect the local community.

Although the Council and the Housing Association had taken some immediate steps under anti-social behaviour legislation to limit the problems, the Council applied for the closure order after these were repeatedly breached.

The partial closure notice means that for the next three months no members of the public except for the resident and their child are allowed at the property. If any visitors are found at the property between now and 27 November 2019, they may be committing a criminal offence.

Cabinet Member for People and Places, Cllr Lesley Dyball says: “The safety of our residents is a top priority for this Council and we will not tolerate anti-social behaviour. Neighbours and local residents will be relieved we have taken this action.”

Cllr Dyball adds: “This closure was down to the partnership of Sevenoaks District Council, West Kent Housing Association and Kent Police in the Community Safely Unit. We have all worked together to stop any more incidents of anti-social behaviour happening at this property.”