Grab a grant! | Sevenoaks District Council

Grab a grant!

Published: Thursday, 7th November 2019

Each year Sevenoaks District Council provide grants to support the work of voluntary and charitable organisations across the District, and next year will be no different.

The Community Grants Scheme supports volunteer-led services within the District that help the health and wellbeing of residents. Community groups that fall into this category are being encouraged by the Council to apply for a grant of up to £5,000 to support their work.

This year, Sevenoaks District Council provided £54,800 in grants to 25 local groups. Recipients included West Kent Mind who received £3,000 to extend their ‘Let it Grow’ project in Shoreham. The Royal Air Force Cadets 593 Swanley Squadron also received £1,000 to help cadets learn about cyber threats.

Visit, email or call 01732 227112 for more information and to request an application form.

There’s only a few weeks left to apply as the closing date is Friday 22 November 2019. Successful applicants will receive their funding in April 2020.