Westerham parking improvements get the green light | Sevenoaks District Council
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Westerham parking improvements get the green light

Published: Friday, 7th February 2020

Sevenoaks District Council has secured £49,975 to increase parking in Westerham town centre.

The money, which was requested by Westerham Town Council, has been raised by the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), a charge collected by the Council from home builders on new developments in the District. Money collected by CIL is then used to help part fund important infrastructure projects across the District.

Westerham is a vibrant market town that receives a significant number of visitors each year. The proposed 75 new parking spaces in various locations around Westerham, has strong community backing and will promote further tourism to the town.

The additional parking spaces, which have already been granted planning permission, will be built in King George’s Field, Madan Road, Hartley Road and Crockham Hill Playing Field as these have been identified as areas that are lacking in parking spaces.

Sevenoaks District Council’ Cabinet Member for Development and Conservation, Cllr Julia Thornton, says: “There has been an overwhelming amount of backing from the local community surrounding this project and we are very pleased to be able to support Westerham Town Council’s initiative to create a lot of additional parking in the town. The increase will be great for local businesses and tourism as well as giving residents and visitors more choice on where to park.”

The project is due to begin in March 2020 with an estimated completion date in June/July 2020.


The funding was recommended at a CIL board on Monday 9 December 2019 and approved by Council’s Cabinet on 9 January 2020.

The CIL Spending Board consist of 15 local councillors from across the Sevenoaks District who consider applications for funding submitted by local communities.

The funding becomes available after CIL contributions had been collected on qualifying developments by Sevenoaks District Council.