Special delivery from the traffic wardens | Sevenoaks District Council

Special delivery from the traffic wardens

Published: Thursday, 9th April 2020

Sevenoaks District Council’s traffic wardens have taken on a new role in response to the Coronavirus crisis, delivering essential food boxes to vulnerable residents.

The Council is working with the Government to ensure the District’s most vulnerable residents, many of whom have been told to self-isolate, have an adequate supply of food.

Traffic wardens are now spending most of their time delivering the boxes filled with a range of staples to older and poorly residents who cannot risk a trip to the shops for essential groceries.

Cllr Lesley Dyball, the Council’s Cabinet Member for People and Places, says: “In these uncertain times, we are taking on new roles to support older and vulnerable residents who cannot leave the house during the Coronavirus outbreak. I am really proud that our traffic wardens have stepped up to provide a lifeline to those in greatest need.”

The wardens continue to make limited parking patrols, ensuring drivers park safely and responsibly, keeping traffic flowing and ensuring access for emergency vehicles.

Residents who need help with their shopping, picking up prescriptions, walking the dog or posting their mail or would like a friendly chat over the phone can sign up to 'Care for our Community - Sevenoaks District.' Residents can register at www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/requesthelp or call 01732 227000.