District residents show support for key workers | Sevenoaks District Council
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District residents show support for key workers

Published: Tuesday, 14th April 2020

Since the outbreak of Coronavirus, Sevenoaks District Council’s refuse team have been continuing to collect rubbish and recycling weekly and residents have been showing their gratitude.

All across the District, drawings, posters and banners have been popping up for the refuse collectors and street cleaners to find as they go about their rounds.

Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet Member for ‘Cleaner and Greener’, Cllr Margot McArthur, says: “We are incredibly proud of the work our refuse collectors and street cleaners are doing for the community so we have been delighted to see the notes and pictures from our residents.”

Cllr McArthur adds: “We are so grateful our residents have taken the time to say thank you to our key workers. These are difficult times and the messages of support really help brighten everyone’s day.”