Celebrate VE Day at home this Friday | Sevenoaks District Council
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Celebrate VE Day at home this Friday

Published: Friday, 1st May 2020

On Friday 8 May, the nation celebrates the 75th Anniversary of VE Day and although government guidelines continue to say stay at home, there are plenty of ways to celebrate indoors.

‘VE Day 75’ are encouraging everyone to enjoy the day from home by hanging decorations, cooking recipes from 1945 and listening to the best songs of the era.

Sevenoaks District Council Chairman, Cllr John Edwards-Winser says: “I am disappointed I cannot fully celebrate 75 years since the end of the Second World War in Europe and the sacrifices the nation made, but there are lots of things we can do at home to mark the occasion.

“I encourage everyone to celebrate indoors by putting up bunting and posters, baking with your household or learning more about the history of the day. You can share your celebrations with the rest of the nation by using #VEDay75 on your social media channels.”

For ideas of how to celebrate at home, visit www.ve-vjday75.gov.uk/get-involved