Council offices reopen to the public | Sevenoaks District Council

Council offices reopen to the public

Published: Monday, 29th June 2020

Sevenoaks District Council has reopened its main office in Argyle Road, Sevenoaks to the public from today (Monday 29 June 2020) with extra safety precautions in place to keep residents and Council st

Visitors are being encouraged to sanitise their hands when they enter and follow any instructions, including using the new one-way system and keeping two metres away from others.

Due to social distancing restrictions, the Council is continuing to encourage the public to use its website and telephone services and to only visit its offices if there are no other alternatives.

Leader of Sevenoaks District Council, Cllr Peter Fleming, says: "I am incredibly proud of the team at the Council. Across the organisation, staff have continued to deliver all our core services whilst responding to the huge new demands caused by the pandemic."

"During the crisis, residents have made far greater use of our website and telephone services, which has really helped and I would encourage those who can, to continue to do so for now. However, we are very conscious there will be some residents who have difficulty accessing us by these means, so they can again, visit our Sevenoaks offices in person."

 "We have put new measures in place to keep both our staff and visitors safe. These changes mean we have to restrict the number of people we can see, so please, only visit us in person if absolutely necessary."