Sevenoaks District Council celebrates Apprentices! | Sevenoaks District Council
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Sevenoaks District Council celebrates Apprentices!

Published: Monday, 8th February 2021

This week, 8 to 12 February, is National Apprenticeship Week and Sevenoaks District Council is embracing a new wave of apprentices.

Apprenticeships may in the past have been for younger people, aged on average between 16 and 18. These days, they are being promoted as a way of existing staff gaining further qualifications and, in some cases, as part of a strategy to upskill the existing workforce in order to ‘grow talent’ within the organisation.

Sevenoaks District Council currently has several apprentices including Environmental Conservationists, Auditors, Strategic Leaders and Planners all at different levels and stages of their qualifications.

One Apprentice who is proving how these schemes are great for gaining knowledge is Private Sector Housing Officer Rachel Chapman. Rachel has been working in local government for a long time but started her Level 4 Senior Housing and Property Manager Apprenticeship last November. Rachel had always wanted to achieve a degree level qualification so an Apprenticeship was the perfect choice as she can continue to work full time and will earn a Foundation level degree at the end of the two years.

Rachel says: “So far the Apprenticeship has given me a much wider understanding of how housing policy is developed and I have learnt how to critically evaluate and to question information and its sources. I’ve also learnt so much more about topics I thought I already knew a lot about.”

Rachel adds, “A qualification in Housing will help me progress my career and prepare me for a full undergraduate degree, should I wish to peruse this in the future”

Leader of Sevenoaks District Council, Cllr Peter Fleming, says: “We are really proud of our apprentices and the variety of roles they are doing for the Council. It proves apprenticeships are no longer just for school leavers but a great option for developing a career.

“Apprenticeships are a brilliant way for existing staff to learn new skills that will benefit the Council as a whole as well as an opportunity for new people to join our organisation.”

To find out more about apprenticeships visit