Safer Internet Day goes online | Sevenoaks District Council
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Safer Internet Day goes online

Published: Wednesday, 10th February 2021

Safer Internet Day took place on Tuesday 9 February and although it was a little different this year, twenty schools across the District still took part.

Instead of the usual workshops organised by Sevenoaks District Council and the Sevenoaks District Community Safety Partnership, the schools took part in a day of online learning.

The theme of this year’s event was the reliability of the internet and learning how to separate fact from fiction.

The primary schools that took part learnt helpful tricks and tips to stay safe on the internet in a fun and engaging way.

The secondary schools’ presentation went through the reliability of influencers on social media and how to spot what they are selling. This was made in conjunction with Sevenoaks District Youth Assembly.

Throughout the day, the schools shared photos of their activities and their participation certificates on social media.

Cabinet Member for People and Places, Cllr Lesley Dyball says:

“Helping young people to stay safe online is a priority for the Council. We were delighted that so many schools could take part. The internet has transformed our lives for the better, but we know there are potential risks. This year’s event was a fun way to help young people spot fake and misleading information online. This should stand them in good stead for many years to come.”