Sevenoaks District Council supports young carers | Sevenoaks District Council

Sevenoaks District Council supports young carers

Published: Tuesday, 16th March 2021

Sevenoaks District Council showed its support to young people who look after family by celebrating Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) on Tuesday 16 March.

Young Carers Action Day is an annual event, organised by Carers Trust. It has taken place over the last six years to raise awareness of young carers and the incredible contribution they make to their families and local communities.

Sevenoaks District Council is working in partnership with Imago, the main support service provider for young carers in Sevenoaks District, to not only help Young Carers get into the work place but also make local employers aware of what great candidates Young Carers can be.

On YCAD, the Council and Imago sent out packs to primary and secondary schools to raise awareness of Young Carers and the challenges they face. These resources highlighted how the pandemic has affected them, their education and relationships with their peers.

As a further support, virtual sessions specifically for young adult carers will be held to support them with adapting their unique skills to different employment and life settings. The sessions will give advice on how to write a good CV and personal statement, interview tips, the importance of empathy in the workplace and lots more useful information for local young carers.

Cabinet Member for People and Places, Cllr Lesley Dyball, says: “Young Carers have all the skills employers are looking for. They are hardworking, reliable, good at planning and time keeping and can think on their feet. Sadly, they face problems breaking into the job market, which is why we’re taking the opportunity to help young carers and raise awareness of their skills.

“We are asking employers to take young carers into consideration when hiring. They can get in touch with us and we’ll put them in contact with local young carers looking for work.”

For more information about hiring a young carer, email or call 01732 227000.