Council takes well-being in its stride with new walking group | Sevenoaks District Council
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Council takes well-being in its stride with new walking group

Published: Tuesday, 19th September 2017

Sevenoaks District residents can take their first steps back into better health with a free well-being walking group launching in Otford.

The new ‘Every Step Counts’ group, introduced by Sevenoaks District Council, meets at 10am on Wednesdays, starting from 27 September, in the Otford Memorial Centre car park.

Sevenoaks District Council Chairman Cllr Larry Abraham, will be joining the group at its launch, as the new well-being walk runs alongside eight other health walks across the District.

The walk differs from health walks in the District, as it is aimed at people who may have a long term condition, overweight, lack of fitness, lack in confidence and self-esteem which may have an effect on them being active.

It is much shorter than a health walk and there’s encouragement and support every step of the way with the group led by three qualified walk volunteers, Cllr Anna Firth, Jo Kingston and Irene Collins.

The walks will vary in time and distance to accommodate people’s abilities and initially will last around 20 minutes, although there will be the option to do more for those who wish to and are able.

Sevenoaks District Council Chairman, Cllr Larry Abraham, says: “We’re very happy to introduce this new well-being walk in the District, offering another gentler option alongside our other health walks across the District which are so well attended and provide residents with important, light exercise and many other physical and mental benefits.

Jo Kingston says: "It doesn’t matter if you can only manage a short distance, are recovering from an illness or operation, are trying to lose weight, or need someone to encourage you to get out and get moving.

“Every Step Counts is open to anyone looking to take their first steps towards better health, so please come out and join us, enjoy the great outdoors, get fitter and meet new people!”

Residents can find out more about Every Step Counts by e-mailing

More information about other health walks in the District, is available by calling 01732 227000, e-mailing or visiting