New funding available for businesses | Sevenoaks District Council
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New funding available for businesses

Published: Friday, 16th April 2021

The government has released new funding support for non-essential retail, hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym businesses.

The Restart Grants are there to support businesses that are predominantly reliant on delivering in-person services for the general public.

Non-essential retail can apply for grants of up to £6,000 and hospitality, accommodation and gyms could be eligible for up to £18,000.

To apply, businesses must fit the following criteria:

  • The property from which the service is provided must be shown in the local rating list
  • The business must have been trading on 1 April 2021
  • The business must not have already received grant payments that equal the maximum permitted subsidy allowances
  • Businesses must not be in administration, insolvent or have a striking-off notice made on Companies House.

Cllr Matthew Dickins, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance and Investments, says: “Just as the coming of spring has brought better weather and turned darkness into light, we’ve seen with the easing of restrictions life brought back to our high streets too.

“This further set of grants will help thousands of local businesses get over that final hurdle in what will have been their toughest year, allowing them to once again return to our towns and villages the vibrancy and vitality for which the Sevenoaks District is renowned.”

To find out more and check eligibility, visit