Time running out to recognise your local heroes! | Sevenoaks District Council
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Time running out to recognise your local heroes!

Published: Monday, 20th December 2021

Sevenoaks District Council is looking for last minute nominations for its ‘Making it happen’ Community and Voluntary awards.

The awards celebrate individuals and organisations who work tirelessly for the community and help vulnerable people in the District.

There are eleven awards up for grabs and the categories include Carer of the year, Lifetime achievement, Youth Group of the Year and many more.

Leader of Sevenoaks District Council and host of the awards, Cllr Peter Fleming says: “Volunteers and community groups are the backbone of the District. Supporting both young and old residents, improving our environment, promoting healthy living and so much more.

“The pandemic has shown us that so many residents, businesses and organisations will go the extra mile to help others, often in challenging circumstances.

“So if you know a person, business, charity or organisation that has gone out of their way to assist others, don’t forget to put them forward for our Community and Voluntary Awards to help them get the recognition they deserve for their dedication and hard work.”

To nominate an individual or organisation, visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/communityawards.

The deadline for nominations is midnight on 2 January 2022.

The awards will take place in St Nicholas’ Church, Sevenoaks on 9 March 2022.