Sevenoaks District celebrates apprentices! | Sevenoaks District Council
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Sevenoaks District celebrates apprentices!

Published: Monday, 7th February 2022

This week, 7 to 11 February 2022, sees the UK celebrating National Apprenticeship Week and Sevenoaks District Council is right behind it.

Apprenticeships may in the past have been for younger people, aged on average between 16 and 18, but these days, they are being promoted as a way of existing staff gaining further qualifications and in some cases as part of a strategy to upskill the existing workforce in order to ‘grow talent’ within the organisation.

Sevenoaks District Council currently has four apprentices, which include Senior Leadership, Internal Audit and Vehicle Maintenance.

The Council’s two newest apprentices, Mark McAllister and Toby Collister, are both doing a Level 3 Heavy Vehicle Maintenance and Repair apprenticeship, which lasts three years.

Mark says: “I have always had an interest in mechanics and I was looking for a new ‘hands-on’ job that would give me a trade skill. I am really enjoying the day-to-day challenges and hope to learn further abilities and become more confident. Once my apprenticeship has finished I hope to continue as a qualified HGV technician for the Council.”

Toby says: “Although I only began my apprenticeship a month ago, I have already learnt so much! I knew nothing about mechanics beforehand but now I look at vehicles in a completely different way. I really like being at Sevenoaks so after my three years is up I hope to continue working at the Council.”

Council Leader, Cllr Peter Fleming, adds: “Apprenticeships are an exciting option where you get hands-on training and also the chance to put your skills into practice.

“Apprenticeships are available at multiple levels. From school leavers, people upskilling in their careers and complete career changes. There are hundreds to choose from and some include a qualification, like a degree. They can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.”

For more information about becoming an apprentice visit