Budget protects services while investing in the District | Sevenoaks District Council

Budget protects services while investing in the District

Published: Wednesday, 23rd February 2022

Sevenoaks District Council has set its annual budget that will continue to protect its services while investing in communities across the District.

The Council agreed an annual budget of £17.3 million. Residents who live in a Band D property will now pay £229.86 a year in Council Tax for the Sevenoaks District Council share of the bill, a below inflation increase of 2.2% or less than 10 pence a week.

Cllr Peter Fleming, Leader of Sevenoaks District Council, says: “Once again, we have set a balanced ten-year budget. We have made savings, protected services, reduced bureaucracy and delivered a financial plan for the District, which will see investment across our communities.

“Late last year, an independent team carried out a Peer Challenge, a review of Council services and finances. It remarked that ‘The Council has consistently demonstrated good financial management, including through the effective delivery of savings and by making difficult decisions early, which has supported effective budget management and planned, long-term, decision making’.

“Sound financial budgeting and finding new and innovative ways of providing services has allowed us to set a below inflation Council Tax increase, meaning residents keep more of their hard-earned money.

“It also means we can continue to protect the services that residents tell us matter most to them, such as weekly waste and recycling collections.

“This budget includes proposals to build and buy homes for those most in need while investing in communities and the local environment, protecting and preserving what makes the District such an amazing place to live, work and visit.

“This budget will allow the Council to continue to invest across the District, bringing communities modern facilities, protecting and growing our local economy with the largest capital programme for over 40 years.”

For every pound of Council Tax collected, Kent County Council’s share is 70p, the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner’s share is 11p, Sevenoaks District Council’s share is 11p, the average town or parish council’s share is 4p and Kent Fire & Rescue Service’s share is 4p. 

Sevenoaks District Council collects the Council Tax on behalf of all these authorities.

The budget was set at last night’s Council meeting on 22 February 2022.