Moving on up! | Sevenoaks District Council

Moving on up!

Published: Wednesday, 18th May 2022

Sevenoaks District Council has launched Kent’s first ‘Movement Strategy’ as part of its Net Zero 2030 ambition for the District.

The strategy sets out the Council’s intentions to encourage healthier, safer and more sustainable travel over the next five to ten years.

This includes promoting more active travel like walking and cycling, using public transport and reducing car usage. The Council will bid for funds and work closely with the local highways and transport authority, Kent County Council, to identify cycling and walking improvements at a local level.

As part of the Council’s new Air Quality Action Plan, the Council will be working directly with schools to support walking and cycling initiatives and reduce the environmental impacts of the school run.

Across the District, the Council is carrying out an electric vehicle charging study to help identify where new electric charging points can and should be installed.

Back in 2020, the Council secured over £70,000 of funding for an on-demand community bus service in partnership with Go Coach and will continue to explore new ways to improve bus services in the future.

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleaner and Greener, Cllr Margot McArthur, says: “This is a really important step forward in our Net Zero 2030 commitment. We are not the transport authority, but we are determined to work proactively with travel partners like Kent County Council to improve sustainable travel options.

“We all need to play our part in helping to combat climate change and this document explains our support for active, efficient and accessible travel.

“Our ‘Movement Strategy’ also supports the District’s first ever Local Cycling and walking Infrastructure Plan, which will play a big part in improving walking and cycling in urban areas.

“Where we can, we’ll be upgrading our Council fleet to more sustainable vehicles and we’re putting in a Council travel plan which will focus on reducing carbon emissions from work related travel.”

To find out more about the strategy visit