Have your say on Swanley Sunday Market | Sevenoaks District Council

Have your say on Swanley Sunday Market

Published: Tuesday, 16th August 2022

Residents are being asked for their views on the new Sunday Market in Swanley.

The market, located in the High Street by the Shopping Centre, is being run on a trial basis. It began in April and is due to continue until late October 2022.

This Market currently includes a mix of market traders, including those selling local food and drink, farmers’ market produce and traditional market goods.

If the market trial is a success, Sevenoaks District Council will consider making it permanent. But before it reaches a decision, the Council wants to hear local people’s views.

Residents who want to have their say can complete a short survey at www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/swanleysundaymarket.

The survey will close at 5pm on Friday 16 September 2022.

Cabinet Member for Cleaner and Greener, Cllr Margot McArthur, says: “Our early impressions are the Sunday Market is a welcome addition to the town, helping to bring in new business, benefitting other shops and traders. However, we want to hear what the public think.

“If the trial is a success and the market is made permanent, we will work with the market organiser to bring in more local craft producers and opportunities for young entrepreneurial traders to broaden the appeal to shoppers.”

The survey results will be considered by Sevenoaks District Councillors in October 2022 before they make a decision on the future of the Sunday market.

Bray Associates is running the market on the Council’s behalf. The company also run the Wednesday market in the town.