Gum busters! | Sevenoaks District Council
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Gum busters!

Published: Wednesday, 2nd November 2022

Sevenoaks District Council has a new, environmentally-friendly tool to help with the war on chewing gum that’s become stuck to the pavement.

Chewing gum is not only unsightly, it’s notoriously difficult and time consuming to remove.

But, the Council has invested in a new ‘Ecogum’ machine - an electronic, rechargeable chewing gum removal unit that allows gum and stickers to be removed from any surface in seconds.

The lightweight unit is worn like a backpack and only uses hot water, a biodegradable sugar-based solution and a little bit of elbow grease.

The Ecogum machine eliminates the need for high pressure hoses and unfriendly chemicals so gum can be removed without disrupting the public or damaging paving slabs, cobbles and joints.

The machine was paid for by a grant funded by chewing gum manufacturers.

Cllr Margot McArthur, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleaner and Greener, says: “We would always encourage residents to put their gum in the bin, but there’s always a minority of people who are prepared to litter.

“However we have a new tool in our arsenal to help keep our high streets clean. Not only is the ‘Ecogum’ machine quick and efficient, its kind to the environment and, as it’s powered by a green, rechargeable battery, it’s another step towards our Net Zero ambitions.”