Candidates announced for local elections | Sevenoaks District Council

Candidates announced for local elections

Published: Wednesday, 5th April 2023

The candidates for the Sevenoaks District Council and Town & Parish Council elections, taking place on Thursday 4 May, have been announced.

One-hundred and twenty people have put their names forward to contest the 54 seats on Sevenoaks District Council. Residents will be able to vote for between one and three Councillors depending on the area of the District they live in.

All of the seats in this year’s District Council elections will be contested.

To see all the candidates for the District elections visit 

In Town and Parish elections, the number of seats on each council varies according to the population they serve. There will be thirteen contested areas and thirty-eight areas that will be uncontested.

To see all the candidates for the Town and Parish elections, visit

This year, residents voting in person will need to provide ID before they can cast their vote. Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID is able to apply for free ID online at or by completing a paper form, available from Sevenoaks District Council. The deadline to apply is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023. 

Residents who have recently moved house or are not registered to vote, have until midnight on Monday 17 April to do so. To register to vote visit