Talk to street furniture for help, advice and volunteering opportunities! | Sevenoaks District Council

Talk to street furniture for help, advice and volunteering opportunities!

Published: Wednesday, 28th June 2023

Swanley residents who want to have their say about their town, receive advice or hear about local events and opportunities can talk to everyday street furniture!

Sevenoaks District Council has teamed up with Hello Lamp Post, an artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbot service that gives local people the chance to start a conversation with everyday objects such as a fence, lamp post or public buildings.

To start a conversation, residents should scan the QR code or send a text message using the details on one of the nine Hello the Lamp Post signs fixed to objects around the town. They’ll soon get a friendly reply!

The conversation with the object allows residents to share their thoughts, concerns and feelings about their area as well as the chance to find out about local information and events, volunteering opportunities, advice on the cost of living and more.

Information provided by residents will be used by the Council and its partners to help improve the area.

The service is completely free and there’s no need to download an app or to fill out a registration form. The service works with smartphones as well as basic mobile phones.

All conversations are anonymous and no personal information is recorded or held.

Cllr Lesley Dyball, Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet Member for People and Places, says:

“Hello Lamp Post is a fun way of starting a conversation with our communities about the issues that affect them.

“Not only can residents receive help and advice, these two-way ‘chats’ will provide us with important feedback to help improve the local area.”

“We’re always ready to embrace innovative technology and try new things and we hope local people will get involved and share their thoughts through this service.”

The Council is trialing the Hello Lamp Post project and if it is a success, it could be extended to other towns and villages across the Sevenoaks District.

Hello Lamp Post is supported by Swanley Town Council and Southeastern.

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