Councils get in the zone to promote safer school parking | Sevenoaks District Council
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Councils get in the zone to promote safer school parking

Published: Monday, 27th February 2017

Safer School Zones are being introduced close to primary schools in Swanley in order to tackle dangerous and inconsiderate parking.

Sevenoaks District Council has teamed up with Kent County Council to introduce the zones following calls from parents, schools and school crossing patrol 'lollypop' people to improve safety and traffic flow during the busy drop off and pick up times.

Areas around schools with Keep Clear areas, lollypop crossings and yellow lines will be designated as Safer School Zones where stopping or parking will not be allowed.

Highly visible Safer School Zone signs will be put up at the approaches and exits to the Zones. Civil Enforcement Officers (better known as traffic wardens) will carry out extra patrols and will issue an immediate fine if they see a vehicle stopping in a Safer School Zone.

So far three schools have signed up for safer parking zones: St Bartholomew's Catholic Primary School, High Firs Primary School and St Mary's CoE Primary School.

Cllr Matthew Dickins, Sevenoaks District Council's Cabinet Member for Direct and Trading Services, says: "Concerned parents, teachers and others have asked for our help in tackling the problem of children being placed in harm's way by the small minority of motorists who, when parking near schools, choose to do so in a dangerous or inconsiderate location. With the introduction of Safer School Parking Zones, we'll be putting safety first and taking a zero tolerance approach with any driver who flouts the rules."