AI help appealing parking fines | Sevenoaks District Council

AI help appealing parking fines

Published: Friday, 1st September 2023

Drivers who have received a Penalty Charge Notice (also known as a parking fine) from the Council can now use a free AI-powered telephone service to help decide whether to make an appeal.

Residents who call the phone service will be greeted by a friendly Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistant who’ll ask a few questions about the circumstances of their fine.

If there are grounds for a challenge, the AI assistant will advise of any evidence the driver should include with their appeal. The driver can also ask the AI assistant to write the appeal for them, which would be sent to their mobile phone.

Alternatively, if there are no grounds for an appeal, the AI assistant will explain why the Council is unlikely to cancel the fine.

Calls last about three minutes. Standard call rates apply.

To use the service, residents should call the dedicated helpline on 01732 902609.

Cllr Margot McArthur, Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleaner and Greener, says: “We’re always ready to embrace new ideas and technology that make our services available to residents at a time that’s convenient to them.

“Our new AI telephone service will help drivers to make an informed decision whether or not to appeal their fine. The service is available 24/7 and calls only last a few minutes. The service can even write the appeal if there are grounds for a challenge.”

Drivers can still speak with a member of staff about their fine during the Council’s usual opening hours.