Have your say on the Otford to Sevenoaks walking, wheeling and cycling route | Sevenoaks District Council

Have your say on the Otford to Sevenoaks walking, wheeling and cycling route

Published: Friday, 22nd September 2023

Residents can share their ideas for a safe walking, wheeling and cycling route linking Otford with Sevenoaks.

Sevenoaks District Council is working on the designs for the new, environmentally-friendly travel route and has appointed transport experts Phil Jones Associates to carry out a feasibility study and to produce a route plan.

The route will provide walkers, wheelers (people on scooters, parents with prams and wheelchair users) and riders with the safe route connecting the centre of Otford with Sevenoaks. It could include significant improvements to the A225 and the busy Bat and Ball junction.

Local people can share their local knowledge and ideas at a drop-in session in the Luggage Room at Bat & Ball Station from 1pm to 7pm on Friday 13 October.

Cllr Margot McArthur, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleaner and Greener, says: “Providing our communities with safe, sustainable forms of travel is an important part of our ambitions to reduce the District’s carbon footprint.

“We are at the early stages of designing a route linking Otford with Sevenoaks and we’re keen that residents share their local knowledge, experience and views to help inform the route design.”

The Council has secured £184,000 from Active Travel England to develop its plans for the route. A final proposal is intended to be submitted to Active Travel England as part of a bid to secure funding for its construction.

For the latest news on walking, wheeling and cycle schemes across the District, visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/wwc.