Council freezes parking charges for the coming year | Sevenoaks District Council

Council freezes parking charges for the coming year

Published: Friday, 13th October 2023

Sevenoaks District Council is planning to freeze all parking charges from next April.

The price freeze will apply to all car parks, on-street parking as well as parking season tickets, permits and vouchers.

The Council will also introduce its standard charges at all its cars parks and on-street on Sundays. At the moment, Sunday charges only apply in Blighs in Sevenoaks town centre and Bradbourne car park by Sevenoaks Railway station.

Free weekend parking will remain at the Council offices car park in Gordon Road, Sevenoaks.

Income generated from the Sunday charges will pay towards the increased cost of providing parking, including maintenance, business rates and utility costs, with any surplus income invested in local services provided by the District Council.

Cllr Margot McArthur, the Council’s Cabinet Member Cleaner and Greener says: “Despite significant increases in our costs, we have taken a decision to freeze all parking charges from April because supporting residents, businesses and visitors is a top priority for the Council.

“At the same time, as part of setting a balanced budget, we will introduce our standard charges on Sundays at all our parking locations. With a growing Sunday economy, it’s only right that customers who use our parking facilities contribute towards their upkeep.

“Ending most free parking also supports our efforts to tackle climate change by encouraging more people to visit our towns using sustainable forms of transport.”

“However, we will still offer free weekend parking in our staff car park a short walk from Sevenoaks town centre.”

The Council’s Cabinet agreed at its meeting on 12 October 2023 to consult on a zero percentage increase on all parking fees and charges and to end to free parking with an expansion of operating time across the District.