Published: Wednesday, 19th March 2025
Local people can view and comment on a planning application for a new Business Park on Otford Road, Sevenoaks.
Local people can view and comment on a planning application for a new Business Park on Otford Road, Sevenoaks.
The Business Park is being put forward by Sevenoaks District Council as part of its wider strategy to support the local economy and create new jobs.
The proposal includes business units, a drive-thru, a small Council storage area along with green planting and supporting infrastructure.
Sevenoaks District Council shared its early ideas for the business park with residents in September 2024. Following the consultation, changes were made to the scheme. These included:
- Reducing the number of business units from four to three
- Locating the business units further away from Jubilee Cottages than first proposed
- Planting native trees and more greenery to support wildlife creating a larger green buffer between the business units and Jubilee Cottages
- Incorporating more sustainable technology to reduce Co2 emissions
- Providing space for a cycling and walking path
The community can comment again on the updated proposals as part of the planning application. The deadline to comment is 9 April 2025.
Anyone who wants to find out more and comment can do so at
Alternatively they can comment by emailing or writing to:
Planning application commentsDevelopment Management
Sevenoaks District Council
Argyle Road
TN13 1HG
Anyone commenting in writing should include their name and address and the planning reference 25/00410/HYB.
The finished business units and drive-thru would remain in Sevenoaks District Council’s ownership and would be leased out.
Cllr Michael Horwood, Sevenoaks District Council’s Cabinet Member for Innovation and Improvement, says: “We know from speaking with businesses, and from our Local Plan studies, there is a desperate need for more light industrial business space in the District. These in turn will help create more jobs in our local area and support the local economy to grow and diversify.
“After listening to the community, we have revised our initial plans by reducing and relocating the business units and incorporating more trees, plants and technology to cut carbon emissions as part of our commitment to tackle climate change.
“We’re keen that local people have their say on the plans.”
The planning application is a detailed proposal for the industrial units, supporting infrastructure and landscaping and an outline application for a drive-thru. A detailed planning application for the drive-thru will be made by the operator of the facility once appointed at a later date.
The site is currently used to store waste bins, but is underused. It is extensively developed with buildings and tarmacked ground.
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