Last chance to have your say on the new Community Plan | Sevenoaks District Council
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Last chance to have your say on the new Community Plan

Published: Monday, 21st January 2019

Sevenoaks District Council invites your opinions on the new Community Plan.

After a comprehensive consultation with residents, including young people, voluntary & community groups and partners, Sevenoaks District Council and its partners have produced a draft of the Community Plan, which spans 2019 to 2023.

To ensure residents have a full say in what goes into the Community Plan, Sevenoaks District Council have created a short online survey, which closes on 1 March 2019, for local people to have their final say on the plan.   

The document supports a 15-year vision which includes creating a District with Safe and Caring Communities, a Green and Healthy Environment and a Dynamic and Sustainable Economy. 

The document sets out the community’s priorities for local services for the next three years and will be delivered by the District and County Councils, the health service, the Police, the fire service and housing associations, together with voluntary groups, businesses and faith communities.

Sevenoaks District Council Cabinet Member for Economic & Community Development, Cllr Roddy Hogarth, says: “We have worked hard to put together a plan which incorporates the issues that matter to local people.  This survey shows a further commitment to making sure our residents have a chance to shape local services through the Community Plan”

The Community Plan creates a long-term vision for the Sevenoaks District and sets out the community’s priorities for action.

The key elements of The Community Plan are:

Safe Communities: making Sevenoaks District a safer place to live, work and travel

Caring Communities: where children are given the best start and people can be supported to live independent lives

Green Environment: where people can enjoy high-quality urban and rural environments

Healthy Environment: where people have healthy lifestyles, access to quality healthcare and health inequalities are reduced

Dynamic Economy: a thriving local economy where businesses flourish, where people have skills for employment and tourism is supported

Sustainable Economy: where people can live, work and travel more easily and are empowered to shape their community.