Budget continues to protect services and invest in local communities | Sevenoaks District Council
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Budget continues to protect services and invest in local communities

Published: Wednesday, 27th February 2019

Sevenoaks District Council has set a budget for the coming year that will continue to protect its services and invest in local communities, despite no longer receiving any direct funding from the Government.

The Council has agreed an annual budget of £15.3 million. Residents who live in a Band D property, the average in the District, will now pay £215.01 per year in Council Tax for the Sevenoaks District Council element of their bill, an increase equal to less than two pence a day.

Sevenoaks District Council’s share of residents’ overall Council Tax bill will be 11.5p for every pound in Council Tax paid.

Cllr Peter Fleming, Leader of Sevenoaks District Council, says: “For a little over £4 a week, our resident will continue to receive some 80 District Council services, including weekly rubbish and recycling collections, which are now unique in Kent, leisure, health, open spaces, economic development, planning and food hygiene inspections.

“We have taken a long-term financial view, focused on efficiency and reducing bureaucracy, made savings and crucially generated income from investing within the District. All this means we can continue to protect the services that matter to residents and even invest in new ones.”

“Beyond the services we provide, we are investing in communities across the District. We are weeks away from the new long-stay car park in Sevenoaks opening, delivering much needed parking to support our local economy, and plans are being brought forward in Swanley for a new leisure centre and business hub, as we look to build out the aspirations of our communities. This is only possible due to sound financial management, remembering every penny spent has been earnt and we are intrusted by the community to spend it wisely”

“We became the first council to become financially self-sufficient from direct government support in 2016, before it was cut all together in 2017. Our prudent financial approach has put us in a strong position to continue to invest both in services and the District as a whole. The balanced ten year budget we agreed is the solid foundation that makes me believe the Sevenoaks District won’t just survive but will thrive in the future.”

For every pound of Council Tax collected, Kent County Council’s share is 69.5p, the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner’s share is 10p, the average town or parish council’s share is 5p and the Kent Fire & Rescue Service’s share is 4p. Sevenoaks District Council collects the Council Tax on behalf of all these authorities.

The budget and Council Tax was set on Tuesday 26 February 2019 at the Full Council Meeting.