Community grants continuing to support local groups | Sevenoaks District Council
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Community grants continuing to support local groups

Published: Friday, 8th March 2019

Sevenoaks District Council will again be supporting local charity and voluntary groups by allocating £153,340 to help them continue their valuable work across the District.

The grants will support organisations which provide services to Sevenoaks District residents, particularly those in greatest need. 

Funding totalling £54,800 will be made to 25 local groups who support volunteers, run community transport, help older people and people with mental health problems, assist families and provide support for sport and the arts across the District. 

Amongst the organisations that will benefit from the grants are West Kent Mind, Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge and Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services. 

Also supported this year is new charity, Friends for Families, who work with Children's Services in Sevenoaks District to provide support to families in financial hardship. The funding will provide beds, cots, school shoes, clothing & other basic needs.

A further £98,540 will be given to Citizens’ Advice across the District at Edenbridge and Westerham and North and West Kent (Sevenoaks and Swanley). 

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Economic & Community Development, Cllr Roddy Hogarth says: “The work of the voluntary sector across the Sevenoaks District is highly valued. The Council’s grants programme supports the dedication and commitment of the many volunteers who help the most vulnerable people in the District.”

Cllr Hogarth adds “We have identified in our consultations for the Community Plan 2019-2022 that caring communities are a top priority for residents. These grants make sure that the excellent work of community organisations can continue.”

The Council’s Cabinet agreed the Community Grant funding at its meeting on Thursday 7 March 2019. 

Below is a list of the organisations receiving funding: 

The D’Vine Singers - £350

North West Kent Volunteer Centre - £4,250

Sevenoaks District Arts Council - £2,500

Eden Christian Trust - £2,000

West Kent Mind - £3,000

Sevenoaks District Sports Council - £2,500

Sevenoaks Counselling (District-wide) - £900

CVSNWK - £1,000

Edenbridge Voluntary Transport Service - £500

Imago - £8,000

Commonwork (Bore Place) - £1,280

Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge - £2,000

Compaid - £4,000

Sevenoaks PHAB - £400

Sevenoaks Volunteer Transport Group - £500

West Kent Mediation - £4,800

Swanley Squadron Air Training - £1,000

BRIDGES - £1,870

West Kent Extra - £1,200

DAVSS - £5,000

Salus - £1,250

The Lewis Project - £1,000

Friends for Families (Sevenoaks) - £1,500

We are Beams - £3,500

Every Step Counts - £500