Just what the doctor ordered - Sevenoaks District Council supports Social Prescribing Day 2019 | Sevenoaks District Council

Just what the doctor ordered - Sevenoaks District Council supports Social Prescribing Day 2019

Published: Wednesday, 13th March 2019

Sevenoaks District Council is backing this year’s Social Prescribing day on 14 March, which celebrates local services that improve residents’ health and wellbeing.

Social prescribing is when health professionals, such as GPs or nurses, refer people to non-medical services to treat a medical condition or to help prevent a future health problem.

Sevenoaks District Council believe strongly in Social Prescribing and work closely with GPs in the area to make sure there are plenty of activities available to help.

Local examples include the Council’s free One You services, to help people manage their weight, stop smoking or improve mental wellbeing, free local health walks and dementia cafés, singing groups and cinema showings funded from the proceeds of ‘Run, walk or push against dementia’ events.

The Council’s HERO (Housing, home energy and retraining options) also helps people with anything from saving money on their bills to getting back to work after a period of absence, helping ease worries that could lead to anxiety and depression.

Cllr Michelle Lowe, the Council Cabinet Member for Housing and Health, says: “Social Prescribing is the way we work with residents to help solve their health issues that have non-medical causes such as asthma caused by damp housing. Crucially our social prescribing work is linked into all our council services so we can tackle these causes head on. We have worked hard with local surgeries to come up with services that meet local needs, helping the people with their health and wellbeing and crucially freeing up more time for GPs and other health professionals.”

On 14 March, Social Prescribing Day, the Chairman, Cllr Pat Bosley will be attending two events that encourage the initiative: an Every Step Counts walk, a gentle health and wellbeing walking group, and a ‘Pop Up’ event in Penshurst that encourages older people to strengthen muscles and gain better balance. These events are promoted for their health benefits but provide much more for people who are suffering with loneliness and isolation.

The day celebrating Social Prescribing will work in partnership with GPs, community groups, voluntary organisations, medical schools, academics, and students across the UK and world to run a programme of events and activities aimed to engage people of all ages.

Find out more about Social Prescribing Day here www.elementalsoftware.co/social-prescribing-day-2019/

Find out more about Sevenoaks District Council’s HERO service here www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/hero

Find out more about Sevenoaks District Council’s One You Service here www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/oneyou