Residents asked to check their fridge this summer | Sevenoaks District Council
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Residents asked to check their fridge this summer

Published: Monday, 22nd July 2019

Summer holiday season is in full swing but residents are being urged to think about the amount of food they throw away before they set off on their summer break.

A campaign by Hubbub UK has found that over the summer holidays Britons bin £1/2 billion worth of edible food, £12 million of that is in the first week of the summer break alone.

Sevenoaks District residents are being urged to check what is in their fridge and to see if it can be frozen before they jet off. Another tip to avoid wastage is to batch cook meals with leftover ingredients and freeze them before leaving or offering the uneaten food to a neighbour. By doing even one of these easy tips, residents can save money and help reduce food waste.

Cllr Margot McArthur, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Cleaner and Greener, says: “As the environment is a top priority for the Council, we’re proud to support Hubbub UK’s campaign to cut food waste. We can all do our bit to reduce our food waste by simply checking our fridges before we go away.” 

As a further incentive, Hubbub UK have teamed up with Samsung and are offering a competition prize of a brand new fridge. For more details including how to enter, follow @HubbubUK on Instagram.

If you would like to find out more about reducing food waste visit

To find out what foods are freezer friendly visit

To see what else is happening during the Travellers’ Check campaign follow #TravellersCheck across all social media channels.