Basketball camp huge hit with Dunton Green youths | Sevenoaks District Council
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Basketball camp huge hit with Dunton Green youths

Published: Tuesday, 30th July 2019

On 29 April this year a new basketball camp bounced into Dunton Green and it’s netted the affections of 11-14 year olds in the area.

The camp, which takes place on Monday nights from 5-6pm at Dunton Green recreation ground, is run by Sevenoaks’ only premier level basketball club, The Sevenoaks Suns. At only £2 a session, it has been extremely popular with the young people of Dunton Green.

The hour long sessions not only teach the children the basics of basketball but they also include team building and self-confidence exercises. The positive feedback from the local community has encouraged Sevenoaks District Council and The Sevenoaks Suns to look into extending the project and delivering the sessions again next summer.

Cllr Lesley Dyball, the Council Cabinet Member for People and Places, says “Basketball is becoming increasingly popular with young people so it’s great that we can offer this camp in Dunton Green. It is a fun and enjoyable way to exercise and make friends; so it’s not surprising the sessions have been a huge success”.

The sessions have been funded by Kent Sport and on 29 July 2019 a cheque for £427 was presented to Coach Pawel of The Sevenoaks Suns.

To find out more about Kent Sport visit

To register your interest in next year’s basketball camp email

To find out more about the Sevenoaks Suns visit