What to put in your recycling and waste bags | Sevenoaks District Council

What to put in your recycling and waste bags

We collect your recycling and waste every week.

Your recycling and waste should be placed at your property boundary, or in communal bin, by 7am on your collection day.



Reusable Recycling Bags

We are introducing Reusable Recycling Bags to most households. The Recycling Bags will be delivered between Monday 23 September 2024 and the end of the year. Find out more about Reusable Recycling Bags.

If you use a Reusable Bag, you can place additional recycling in any clear sack. It does not need to be one of our sacks, but must be clear so we can check the contents for items that cannot be recycled.

Report a lost or damaged Reusable Recycling Sack.

Clear Recycling Sacks

Certain properties, those usually located away from the road (including many properties in New Ash Green), will continue to use Clear Recycling Sacks for the time being. We are writing to households who live in these properties. These households will continue to receive rolls of 30 Clear Recycling Sacks every 20 weeks. Please tell us if you have not received a delivery of Clear Sacks in over six months.

Report a missed Clear Sack delivery

If you’ve just moved to the District, you can register for an initial supply of Clear Sacks to be delivered to your new address.

Communal waste and recycling facilities

Households who use communal facilities should put their items for recycling directly into the communal recycling bins.

These households will not receive a Reusable Recycling Bag or Clear Sacks.


Items we collect for recycling

  • Newspapers, magazines, other paper and shredded paper. If you have a reusable sack, please put your shredded paper in a small box, for example a used cereal box
  • Cardboard boxes and packaging. If a box is too big to go in your bag, flatten it and place it under the bag or take to your local cardboard recycling bank
  • Cans, including empty aerosol cans, tins, metal bottle tops, jar lids, biscuit and sweet tins
  • Tetra Pak® and other food, drink and long-life cartons
  • Aluminium take-away and ready-meal trays, meals-on-wheels trays and clean kitchen foil
  • Plastic bottles and tops. Please do not include plastic bottles from hazardous chemical containers or motor oils and spray and push tops
  • Plastic yoghurt pots, margarine and ice cream tubs, fruit baskets and trays. Please put black plastic pots, tubs, trays or lids, or film lids in your black sacks

General waste

Please put your waste in sacks made for household waste. We may not collect your waste if you use any other type of sack or bag.

Please do not put any sharp objects in your sacks.

Items such as textiles, carpets, small electrical items, full aerosol cans or batteries must be taken to a Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Your waste sacks are taken to a waste to energy plant when they are burnt to generate electricity.

Rubbish bins

If you are planning to use a bin to store your rubbish and recycling, please use a smaller traditional 80 to 90-litre dustbin.

If you use a wheelie bin, you will need to remove your sacks from your bin before your collection.