Solar energy scheme | Sevenoaks District Council
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On Saturday 1 March, we will be upgrading our PublicAccess websites for Planning, Building Control and Licensing and it will not be possible to view documents. We apologise for the inconvenience…

Solar energy scheme

We’ve teamed up with Kent County Council and Solar Together to help make buying solar panels easy.

Solar together is a group-buying scheme that takes the hassle out of the process and will help you save on your energy bills, generate your own clean electricity and reduce your carbon emissions.

The scheme brings households together to get high-quality solar panels at a competitive price.

How it works

1. Registration is quick, free and there is no obligation.

2. Pre-vetted installers will bid against each other to offer the best possible deals.

3. You’ll be offered one of these deals based on your requirements.

4. You decide if you want to take up the recommendation and proceed with an installation.

5. After installation, you’ll make savings on your bills by generating your own renewable electricity.

Register with Solar Together for free

Most installations don’t need planning permission, however in some cases, such as conservation areas or listed buildings, it may be required. If you are unsure, visit the Planning Portal.

If you have any questions about new or existing installations you can call Solar Together for free on 0800 014 8721, Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm or contact their helpdesk.